Complaint Form

Using a standard complaint form, you can file a disciplinary complaint against a maritime pilot registered with the Dutch pilots corporation. You cannot use this form to file a complaint against a non-registered pilot, the Dutch pilots corporation itself, or a regional pilots corporation. It is important that you describe and explain in this form why you are not satisfied with the actions of said pilot. More information about disciplinary law and the disciplinary procedure can be found under “Disciplinary procedures”. Upon receipt of the written complaint by email (or mail), you will receive an acknowledgment of receipt from the secretary of the disciplinary board as soon as possible.

Download form

Send your complaint (email of mail) 

By email: scan the completed and signed form, along with any attachments, and email it to: 

By mail: print this form, fill it out, sign it, and send it, along with any attachments, to: 

Tuchtcollege loodsen  
T.a.v. de secretaris
Postbus 830

You will receive an acknowledgment of receipt from the secretary as soon as possible.